🎶 Reading Community Singers ~ First Rehearsal ~ New Singers Welcome!
Mark your Calendar! Reading Community Singers is starting rehearsals for their 2024…
🖥️ VIRTUAL EVENT: Getting Started with Libby
Join Libby staff experts for a one-hour 'Getting Started with Libby' webinar.…
🪄 Teen Meet Up: Magic the Gathering
Do you like tabletop games? Are you looking for a group to…
🗣️ English Conversation Group
Would you like to improve your conversational English skills in a fun,…
the Lawn
The Lawn is a free outdoor community concert series that features contemporary…
Martin Luther King Day- Town of Reading MA
Join the town's annual Martin Luther King Day community breakfast and cultural celebration…
Therapeutic Program for Adults with McFarlane Arts
We all seek meaningful relationships and opportunities for growth and progress in…
Mystic Valley Elder Services: Getting Specific
Krissy McKeeman is back! And this time She's bringing some friends. During…
Public Forum Regarding Senior/Community Center
Please join the town on Tuesday, November 1, for a Public Forum…