Letter to the Editor Reading Recap

Reading Recap’s letters to the editor are a collection of reader opinions, representing a wide range of perspectives on current issues. Personal attacks are not allowed. Constructive criticism is welcomed in a respectful manner. Reading Recap reserves the right to not publish any letters received.  Join the discussion by emailing Editor@ReadingRecap.com and please include your name and address. Political advertisements are not allowed.

Any LTE’s prior to 2/22/24 may be removed under this policy change by the individual(s) emailing editor@ReadingRecap.com for consideration.

Latest LTE's

✍️ LTE: O’Neill Rebuttal

The following was sent to us by a reader - Dear Editor: With just a little creative effort Mary Ellen O’Neill could have politely, if…

Editor Editor

✍️ LTE: Some Leopards Haven’t Changed their Spots

The following was sent to us by a reader - As a former Reading resident who became involved in local politics out of concern for…

Editor Editor

✍️ LTE: In Praise of Porchfest

The following was sent to us by a reader - Dear Editor:  I am writing to recognize and thank the performers, hosts, organizers, and attendees…

Editor Editor

✍️ LTE: Questions to Answer Tonight re: MBTA Communities

The following was sent to us by a reader - Good morning, Andrew MacNichol and CPDC  (and town manager, assistant town manager and Select Board,…

Editor Editor

✍️ LTE: Thank You

Dear Reading Residents, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone, especially the residents who took the time to come to the polls and…

Editor Editor

✍️ LTE: Vote from “First Principles” on May 14th

The following was sent to us by a reader - Clearly, I have some bias here, given that Melissa Murphy is my wife of nearly…

Editor Editor