The Select Board will be meeting tonight in the Select Board meeting room at Town Hall at 7pm. The first and only scheduled public hearing of the night will be a discussion and vote on Traffic Amendments on Family Circle, Woodland Street and Bancroft Avenue with the following amendments:
- Amendment Number 2023-6; Parking shall be prohibited on Family Cir along the entire westerly side starting at Grove Street to the beginning of the cul-de-sac.
- Amendment Number 2023-7; Parking shall be prohibited at the end of the Northeasterly dead-end section of Woodland Street.
- Amendment Number 2023-8; Parking shall be prohibited on Bancroft Avenue along the entire westerly side starting at Hartshorne to the end of Bancroft Avenue.
- Amendment Number 2023-9; Resident Permit stickers and Compost Center stickers can be purchased on the Town of Reading Website or at the Reading Police Station during their posted business hours. These stickers allow residentโs access to Resident and Commuter Permit Parking spaces and access to the Compost Center.
After the hearing is the second chance to vote on the FY24 Water & Sewer Rates. At their last meeting on June 6th, each member of the Select Board had their own unique set of opinions on rates and tiers and a consensus could not be reached.
Lastly, there is a discussion and vote on the Volunteer Assignment Selection Committee (VASC) Recommendations to volunteer appointments on various boards. There are currently 49 full voting terms and 37 associate non-voting terms expiring June 30th, 2023.
- 7:00 Overview of Meeting
- 7:05 Public Comment
- 7:15 SB Liaison & Town Manager Reports
- 7:30 Hearing โ Vote on Traffic Amendments on Family Circle, Woodland Street and Bancroft Avenue
- 7:45 Hearing Continued โ Discuss/ Vote on Meadow Brook Alteration of Premises Liquor License *(WILL BE CONTINUED TO JULY 18, 2023 ON REQUEST OF APPLICANT)
- 8:30 Discussion and Vote on FY2024 Water and Sewer Rates
- 8:45 Vote on VASC Recommendations to volunteer appointments on various boards
- 9:30 Vote on Letter of Support for PARC Grant Program
- 9:35 Discuss future agendas
- 9:45 Approve Meeting Minutes
The meeting will take place in the Select Board meeting room at Town Hall at 7pm. The public can attend in person or watch via several options: via a broadcast on RCTVโs YouTube channel at this link or on the RCTV Government Channel (Xfinity ch 22, Verizon ch 33). The Zoom link for this meeting is: