The Select Board will be meeting tonight with a packed agenda. The first main topic of discussion will be the vote on a potential new town manager contract. Last year, town manager Fidel Maltez, signed a 3-year agreement with a $185,000 salary+ benefits. In the Select Board packet below, it seeks to be increased to $218,000 with a 3% raise per year for 3 years.
Also on the agenda is a presentation from Public Works on swapping the town over to automated trash and recycling barrels with optional overflow bags; an example of which is used as the picture for this article. With the towns current trash collection contract set to expire in 2026, the town is anticipating a substantial increase on future contracts.
There will also be discussion on the Purchase of Real Property for Municipal Use, including an Executive Session to discuss the acquisition and value of 25 Haven Street and/or 17 Harnden Street for a potential new senior/community center.
- 7:15 SB Liaison and Town Manager Reports
- 7:20 Discuss and Vote to approve new Town Manager employment contract
- 7:30 Election update from Town Clerk
- 7:45 Public Hearing β Traffic Improvements: Stop Signs and Vehicle Direction at Hopkins and Main Street
- 8:00 Presentation from Public Works on Trash and Recycling Barrels
- 8:30 Vote Easement Requests Previously approved by Town Meeting: Summit Village
- 8:40 Preview Warrant for April Town Meeting
- 9:00 Discussion on Town Manager 2023 Goals
- 9:15 Discussion and Vote to Sign Lease Extension for the Reading Ice Arena Authority
- 9:30 Discuss Future Agendas
- 9:40 Approve Meeting Minutes
- 9:50 Discuss responses to request for proposals (RFP) for the purchase property for municipal use, including an executive session under Purpose 6 to consider the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of the real property of 25 Haven Street and/or 17 Harnden Street.
The meeting will take place in the Select Board meeting room at Town Hall at 7pm. The public can attend in person or watch via several options: via a broadcast on RCTVβs YouTube channel at this link or on the RCTV Government Channel (Xfinity ch 22, Verizon ch 33). The Zoom link for this meeting is: