Today at the Pleasant Street Center, it was time for a celebration. Sally Hoyt, longtime Reading Resident (77 Years), Reading Conservation Commission Member (18 Years), Selectmen (4 terms) and current Council on Aging member was recognized for all of her work throughout her long and fruitful life. She was joined by her family as well as current Select Board members, Chair Mark Dockser and Christopher Haley and former Select Board member James Bonazoli.
Massachusetts State Representative’s, Brad Jones and Rich Haggerty, were also in attendance to recognize Sally’s 100th birthday and presented her with a proclamation from the House of Representatives.
Speaking on behalf of all Sally’s achievements, current Chair of the Council on Aging Marilyn Shapleigh, offered a small reward on behalf of the Council on Aging. An antique clock as well as a framed note which read:
An appreciation award presented to Sally Hoyt with our deepest gratitude for your outstanding service as a member on the Council on Aging. Thank you Sally.
Council on Aging
It was then Sally’s turn to speak, she started off by revealing the secret of her longevity; simply try to keep stress out of your life. Sally’s enjoyed each and every year of her life and married a wonderful man named Brendan, whom she met at a social event at Tuft’s. It took Brendan over two weeks to call her back, Sally joked. “I have to say, I made the right decision and my children can attest to that”.
Family is important. Family is number one. Take care of your family first, stay close to your family, they will always need you.
Sally Hoyt
Sally concluded with how honored she was to have everyone here today to celebrate with her and thanked our State Representatives and Amy O’Brien (Elder & Human Services Administrator / Senior Center Coordinator) for organizing the event.
When I spoke to Sally after the event, I asked her what advice she could give me as a new Select Board member. Without any hesitation, she said “Listen”.
Happy Birthday Sally!