🗑️ One Day Trash and Recycling Delay
Due to the holiday today Monday, February 17th there will be a one…
🏛️ January 21st Select Board Agenda Preview
The Select Board will be meeting this evening at 7:00pm in the…
🗑️ One Day Trash and Recycling Delay
Due to the holiday on Monday, November 11th, there will be a…
🚮 Lunch and Learn! Trash & Recycling Cart Rollout
Join the Department of Public Works Director Christopher Cole at the Pleasant…
🏛️ August 20th Select Board Agenda Preview
The Select Board will be meeting this evening at 7:00pm in the…
🗑️ One Day Trash and Recycling Delay
The Town’s trash vendor Republic Services has informed that some homes won’t…
🗑️ One Day Trash and Recycling Delay
Due to the holiday today Monday, May 27th, there will be a…
🗑️ One Day Trash and Recycling Delay
Due to the holiday today Monday, April 15th, there will be a…
🗑️ One Day Trash and Recycling Delay
Due to the holiday today Monday, February 19th, there will be a…
🗑️ One Day Trash and Recycling Delay
Due to the holiday on Monday, January 15th, there will be a…