Tag: Drama

🎭 RMHS Drama Club Presents “An Unoriginal Original”

Title: RMHS Drama Club Presents "An Unoriginal Original" When: Feb 7th &…

Christopher Haley

🧌 Shrek Jr at Parker Middle School & Live-Stream!

Beauty is in the eye of the ogre in Shrek The Musical…


The Giver presented by The RMHS Drama Club

Jonas' world is perfect. Everything is under control and safe. There is…


🧜‍♀️ The Little Mermaid Jr @ Parker Middle School

Journey “under the sea” with Ariel and her aquatic friends in Disney’s…


The Little Mermaid JR.

Journey "under the sea" with Ariel and her aquatic friends in Disney's…


🎭 “Crazy For You” Premieres Tonight @RMHS

Tickets are still available for the 7:30PM showing tonight as well as…


Coolidge Middle School Drama Presents: Crazy For You

A zany rich-boy-meets-hometown-girl romantic comedy, Crazy For You® tells the story of…


🎭 Coolidge Middle School Drama Presents: Crazy For You

A zany rich-boy-meets-hometown-girl romantic comedy, Crazy For You® tells the story of…


💸 RMHS Drama Club Fundraiser @ Bertucci’s Today

Enjoy your Bertucci's favorites with family & friends while earning funds in…


RMHS Drama Club Auditions

RMHS Drama Club Presents AuditionsLooking for performers ages 9-11 for their Fall…
